API Integration


=> Meaning

API stands for Application Programming Interface. An API is a software intermediary that allows two applications to talk to each other. In other words, an API is the messenger that delivers your request to the provider that you're requesting it from and then delivers the response back to you.

=> Getting Started

SUHAILADATA provides a standard API which developers can use to connect their websites or applications with no activation fee

Our HTTPS POST API is excellent option to integrate with various e-channels such as Website, Mobile App or CMS Applications e.t.c. without using our website to order for any product

Since we are using the POST API, each of the responses would be sent back in JSON.

=> Test Environment

We have also provided a test endpoint to test our products and services before using our live endpoint. While using the testing endpoint you will need to copy the same api key from your account profile which can be used for both live and test environment

=> API URL Endpoint

Live Url: https://suhaila.com.ng/api/v1/

Test Url: https://suhaila.com.ng/api/test/

=> All Service Plan

=> Available Services

Available services includes:

  • Balance API
  • Data API
  • Airtime API
  • Data Card API
  • Cable TV API
  • Electricity API
  • Exam API
  • Internet API
  • Recharge Card API
  • Betting API
  • To get started Click Here